Tiger Roare

Kathakali - Elegance Personified

Kathakali is one of the oldest theatre forms in the world. The art is known for its heavy, elaborate costumes and thick make-up. As a matter of fact, this painstaking effort that goes into creation of characters is what distinguishes Kathakali from other dance forms. Kathakali dance present’s themes derived from the Ramayana, the Mahabharata and other Hindu epics, mythologies and legends.

One can't help but marvel at the fact that Kathakali is the only Indian dance form in which the entire body, down to even the smallest facial muscle are used to portray emotion. The precision with which various emotions are registered by the actor with micro movements of the face is testimony to the flamboyance of Kathakali. Acquiring this skill and technique requires years of meticulous hard-work and dedication. The world of Kathakali is peopled by noble heroes and demons locked in battle, with truth winning over untruth, good over evil.Traditionally, a Kathakali performance is usually conducted at night and ends in early morning.Kathakali is usually performed in front of the huge Kalivilakku (kali meaning dance; vilakku meaning lamp) with its thick wick sunk till the neck in coconut oil.

Traditionally, this lamp used to provide sole light when the plays used to be performed inside temples or palaces. A distinguishing characteristic of this art form is that the actors never speak but use hand gestures, expressions and rhythmic dancing instead of dialogue.To cater to urban audiences and tourists, Kathakali performances are organized in auditoriums or other public arenas. We at Tigers Roare provide a unique opportunity for our guests to enjoy Kathakali and truly appreciate the intricate character design and magnificience of this dance form.